Challenges and changes
The Chief Social Workers for Adults annual report 2021 is our opportunity to look back over the last year and reflect on the progress made on the priorities set out in last year’s plan and to celebrate our collective achievements.
However, 2020 was a year like no other and one which proved enormously challenging to our profession. We saw first-hand the devastating effects of COVID-19 on the people and communities we support, including our colleagues, loved ones, friends and families. We moved from offices and bases to our bedrooms, living rooms and kitchens to work. We none-the-less continued to be a presence in our communities and on the frontline, providing support and care for those who needed us.
The challenges of the last year highlight just how vital our profession is, how our skills and knowledge can adapt to new situations, how - no matter what - we put people first and continue to support human rights, relationships and social justice. We couldn’t be prouder of the social work profession.

Recharge, regroup, reach out
We also recognise the toll it has taken on you all, personally as well as professionally. Time will be needed to heal and for us all to reflect on the trauma this country continues to face. As social workers, we must allow ourselves space to recharge, reach out to others when we're struggling, and give the best support we can to those who need it.
Our annual report also looks ahead to our priorities for the next year. We look forward to working with our brilliant profession and stakeholders to deliver on these and other initiatives, as we work together to enhance modern social work practice for the benefit of all.
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