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Change NHS and the role of mental health social work

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Care and support, Communities, Mental health
Change NHS website banner

This week, the Department of Health and Social Care, in partnership with NHS England, launched the Change NHS campaign. This is the beginning of an ongoing conversation with the public as, together, our government and healthcare leaders seek the widest range of views possible to shape a new 10-Year Health Plan for England.

New Chief Social Worker for Adults and Mental Health Social Work lead appointed

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New Chief Social Worker and Mental Health Social Work lead appointed

I am delighted to announce the appointment of a new Chief Social Worker for Adults and a Mental Health Social Work lead to the Department of Health and Social Care. Chief Social Worker Sarah McClinton will be joining us in …

Collaboration spurs mental health social care research

Posted by: , and , Posted on: - Categories: Care and support, Mental health, Research

Support for people with mental health problems, their families and carers, is often overlooked, meaning the ‘social’ in social care is sometimes forgotten. Find out how collaboration with others is improving research, policy and practice.

Promoting the vote is social work in action

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Care and support, Guidance, Knowledge and skills, Society
Hands of multiple ethnicities placing voting slips in a ballot box.

To support social work colleagues to promote people’s right to register and vote in elections, BASW, Learning Disability England, the National Principal Social Worker Network for Adults and Bradford Council, supported by the My Vote, My Voice campaign, have launched a Practice Guide to Promote the Vote. Find out more...

Moving Social Work: it means what it says!

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: Co-production, Communities, Knowledge and skills, Viewpoint
Wheelchair users enjoying outdoor physical activities

Modern social work is many things, but one of its central tenets involves the belief that everyone should have access to the same opportunities to live full, active, healthy lives. The Moving Social Work programme aims to harness the skills and values of social workers to support the health, wellbeing and human rights of people with disabilities.

Citizenship: community, equality and liberty

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: Learning disabilities, Our profession, Personalisation, Safeguarding, Society, Viewpoint
Gender symbols intertwined

Guest blogger, Simon Duffy, has made a significant contribution to work on self-directed support, personal budgets and putting people in control. Citizenship and inclusion are the cornerstones of social work. Making sure we are working with people with learning disabilities to achieve positive outcomes is imperative.