Achieving change in adult social care

January is always a good time to sort your ‘stuff’ out and before starting my new role, I took the opportunity to clear out my cupboard. It was interesting to see what I had kept over the years from the …
January is always a good time to sort your ‘stuff’ out and before starting my new role, I took the opportunity to clear out my cupboard. It was interesting to see what I had kept over the years from the …
It’s World Social Work Day, bringing people together to learn, connect, and raise awareness of the breadth, value and benefits of modern, progressive social work. To mark the day, I’m delighted to present this blog from Jak Savage MBE, social care consultant, employer of personal assistants and an invaluable voice of lived experience.
Modern social work is many things, but one of its central tenets involves the belief that everyone should have access to the same opportunities to live full, active, healthy lives. The Moving Social Work programme aims to harness the skills and values of social workers to support the health, wellbeing and human rights of people with disabilities.
This is my farewell post before I step down as Chief Social Worker for Adults. It was a privilege and an honour to take on this role over 10 years ago, the first of its kind in England. I am so very grateful for all the support I have received from so many people...
Guest blogger, Simon Duffy, has made a significant contribution to work on self-directed support, personal budgets and putting people in control. Citizenship and inclusion are the cornerstones of social work. Making sure we are working with people with learning disabilities to achieve positive outcomes is imperative.
Deborah Sturdy, Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care and I recently visited Salford to hear about the way social care colleagues work with the council, the NHS, providers and voluntary and community sector partners. I was delighted to hear from one of their social workers, Donna Sharkey about her positive career journey...
As we mark the seventy-fifth anniversary of the NHS, it is worth remembering how Clement Attlee's 1945 government embarked on implementing William Beveridge's report recommendations which set the framework for the welfare state.
Social worker, Gavin Wilson, provides a positive account of his secondment to the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) as Lead Analyst in the 'fair cost of care' policy team.
As this year’s festivities begin, I wanted to take the opportunity to say an enormous thank you to the people who keep things going, social workers, occupational therapists, social care staff in local authorities and everyone working in provider services...
I am so pleased to be writing this blog, celebrating the publication of ‘People at the heart of care’, the Government's adult social care reform White Paper.
Social work and social care values are at its core. This is about valuing people and what matters to them.