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Mental health

Collaboration spurs mental health social care research

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Support for people with mental health problems, their families and carers, is often overlooked, meaning the ‘social’ in social care is sometimes forgotten. Find out how collaboration with others is improving research, policy and practice.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Christmas baubles with 2023 written on them

Lyn Romeo: "As the year draws to a close, I find myself reflecting on the journey we have undertaken together over the last year. We have continued to relentlessly seek improvement in the health and wellbeing of individuals, families, friends and carers."

Promoting progressive AMHP anti-racist practice

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It is an honour to host guest blogs from social workers, researchers and people with lived experience of health and social care. This blog addresses core challenges for Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHPs) and others involved in anti-racist mental health practice.

Mental Health Awareness Week: reflections on the role of adult social work

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Man raising hand in mental health support group

It’s Mental Health Awareness Week, which this year takes a theme we can all relate to: anxiety (#ToHelpMyAnxiety). It's not only a chance to shine a light on our psychological wellbeing (and how to maintain it) but also take stock on mental health service provision and the evolution of societal attitudes to an issue which affects us all.

Keep calm and call an AMHP

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Events, Knowledge and skills, Mental health, Our profession
A black woman practicing yoga

With so many recent challenges and experiences in the pandemic, Jason Brandon, Mental Health Social Work Lead at DHSC, can’t think of a more suitable title to this blog post, which describes the dignity and professionalism of the approved mental health professional (AMHP) workforce. It's National AMHP Day!

Chief Social Worker for Adults Annual Report 2021-22: strength from adversity

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Co-production, Guidance, Knowledge and skills, Mental health, Safeguarding

It is with a sense of relief, but also pride in our collective resilience as a profession, that we are able to publish the Chief Social Worker for Adults Annual Report 2021-22 in a world which has, at long last, regained some of the familiar trappings of normality.