The public consultation on the regulatory framework for the new specialist regulator for social workers, is now open.
Over the last few months, there has been real progress in establishing Social Work England, the new regulator for social workers in England.
My December blog post welcomed both the news that Social Work England will be based in Sheffield and the launch of recruitment activity for the organisation's Chair and Chief Executive Officer.
Now, we can see for the first time how the detail of the regulator’s proposed legal framework will look – a huge step along the road to putting in place a more flexible and proportionate regulatory framework for social workers.
For those of us who know what it is to be a social worker day to day, supporting the most vulnerable people in our society, this is a chance to influence the development of the final set of regulations for Social Work England.
This is a fantastic opportunity to make sure our views are heard so that the regulator can support us to deliver consistently high quality services for the people we work with.
So what’s going to be different about Social Work England?

As I mentioned earlier, the Government’s vision in establishing Social Work England is to create a regulator that is streamlined, proportionate and efficient. The aim is to take account of the latest thinking, enabling the regulator to adapt more quickly to emerging opportunities, challenges and best practice. In this way, it can create professional regulation which reflects the changing reality of social work, maintaining its safe delivery and effectiveness.
Social Work England will set new standards that - we believe - will get to the heart of what it means to be a social worker. We hope too that it will consistently and fairly:
- measure the quality of teaching and practice against those standards
- create a fitness to practise system that is fit for purpose
- make sure action is proportionate, timely and effective and;
- provide opportunities for individuals, the sector and Government to learn how social work practice could improve.
It is vital we get this right, which is why it is so important to maximise this opportunity to influence the future of social worker professional regulation.
It is our challenge, our thoughts and our feedback that will help ensure that Social Work England really delivers for the social work profession, and crucially, people we work with and the general public.
Do please take the time to contribute your views.
The consultation closes on 21 March 2018.
Comment by David Breakspear posted on
What a good post, thank you so much.
Comment by Beata Podhorodecka posted on
I see few problems in the area of social care which I learned during my 10 years of working as a support worker:
1. Too much people in care, their families do not participate in cost of the care, even use the money to spend on their own needs instead of people in care.
2. Front line workers are poorly paid and this profession is not recognised as a valuable and prestigious.
3. In everyday practice Support Workers face very difficult problems psychological nature, but there is no any training provided to cover this area. The existing training is not sufficient, do not give trainees knowledge how to solve conflicts and cope with challenging behaviour.
4. The expectation are too ambitious comparing with the payments.
5. Too much money is going to managers, too much paper work to do. It is a result of lack of trust, support workers are seen as a potential perpetrators and are treated with suspicion.
6. I would like to work not for big organization but as a small team of self employed people who are working together, with no manager. It will be much cheaper for local government. Maybe it is worth to consider this option.
Comment by Mark Osterloh posted on
Hello Beata
Thank you for your comments. Please submit them to the consultation to make sure your views are recorded:
Best wishes
DHSC blog editor
Comment by Phill posted on
The proposed changes focus far too much on the individual and insufficient attention to leadership and the challenges our profession faces.
The outcomes of the suggested changes I think, will do nothing more than change the appearance in the window, the shop remains the same.