A statement detailing the knowledge and skills required for adult social work supervisors to make sure effective professional supervision is provided to registered social workers is now out for consultation.
In my last annual report, I highlighted the importance of maintaining high quality professional supervision and leadership for social workers in adult social care. I also set out the benefits of these statements in the application of consistent, practice-led approaches across all social work settings.

Good supervision supports highly skilled practice and ultimately significantly contributes to making a real difference to the lives of people, families and communities with whom social workers work.
Social work supervisors are vital to enabling and empowering best practice. They create the reflective practice spaces within which practitioners can learn, improve their person centred practice, and grow in confidence.
This clear statement raises the bar for social work supervision and consolidates excellent practice at the heart of adult social care.
So, we’re using this consultation phase to ask for your views on what social workers in management and supervisory positions should know and be able to do if they supervise others in adult practice.
Furthermore, the statement embeds critically reflective, relational based approaches into quality supervision, moving away from prioritisation of process and procedure.
And crucially, it considers how social workers can be assessed and accredited on their knowledge, skills and capabilities as supervisors and how these criteria might be applied consistently.
Here are some specific aspects of the statement we would welcome your views on:
- Have the right knowledge and skills have been identified at the appropriate level?
- Is the knowledge and skills statement as proposed compatible with the Professional Capabilities Framework?
- Are the proposed national requirements for assessment and accreditation of supervisors appropriately designed and is the period of time required for assessment sufficient?
- We also want to hear your views on what more we can do to embed the statement for social workers at the end of their Assessed Supported Year in Employment.
Your answers will help us to refine their scope before their adoption as post-qualifying standards against which supervising social workers in adult social care will be assessed.
Please visit our consultation page and submit your response before 5pm 26 January 2018. Your views matter and will help us create a statement that enhances the quality and provision of adult social work supervision. Thank you in advance for your time.
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