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Jo Barnicoat

Jo Barnicoat

Jo Barnicoat is a mother to four children, one of whom is Downs with Autism.

She has used her experiences to advocate and advise families to navigate the social care and SEN systems.

As well as working with OXFSN, she co chairs the Oxfordshire Coproduction board and is a member of the SCIE (social care institute of excellence) National Network for Coproduction and Human Rights.

She also work part time as an IMCA (independent Mental Capacity Advocate) delivering statutory advocacy.

Beyond coronavirus - valuable long term lessons

symbol of hands supporting a family

Jo Barnicoat works for a small charity, Oxfordshire Family Support Network (OXFSN), supporting families with learning disabilities. Like everyone else, she and her colleagues have had to develop a totally new way of working. However, this enforced change has actually enabled professionals and families to communicate much more efficiently and speedily.