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  1. Comment by Bridget Warr posted on

    Our thanks to Lyn for all her work over the last ten years. She has played a huge part in raising the recognition and valuing of our profession and in the achievements she so articulately describes in her blog. The future for Social Work and for the people with whom we work will be that much better for her interventions but will, inevitably, still be challenging and we will miss her.

  2. Comment by Lizzie Thynne posted on

    I am sure you will be sorely missed Lyn but congratulations on all you have achieved and enjoy your new freedom!

  3. Comment by Glynis Marsh posted on

    Thank you Lyn for your leadership and contributions. Enjoy your retirement.

  4. Comment by Deborah Shepherd posted on

    Thank you for introducing me to Dr Bren Brown at a conference, it turned out to be just what was needed at that time on my journey!

    Making sure we are seen in the arena and being brave in times of crisis and trauma!

    Thank you for your incredible presence and dedication to the profession! Privileged to have met you!

    Enjoy the next chapter Lyn, best wishes

  5. Comment by Jo Clare posted on

    Well said Lyn and very best wishes for your retirement.
    Love Jo Clare x

  6. Comment by Care Learning posted on

    Thanks so much for your contributions and wishing you all the best of luck. You will be missed by many in the sector and from everyone at <a href="">Care Learning</a>

  7. Comment by Liam Hughes posted on

    Lyn, thanks for everything you have done to strengthen social work in England. You have shown us all how to make an impact on government and policy, and your resilience has been outstanding. On a more local note, thank you for everything you have done for the people of Bradford, and for the example of excellent social work practice you set for the city`s social workers and its managers,
    All the best for the future.


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