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Introducing The Anti-racist Listening Project podcast

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Ear with soundwave background

I am delighted to once again host adult social workers Nimal Jude and Liz Howard as guest bloggers, this time introducing their latest exciting venture, the Anti-racist Listening Project podcast. Making sure social work practice always challenges discrimination and oppression is imperative if we are to truly promote a human rights and social justice based approach.

Pride Month and social work's essential role

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Rainbow flag

As a lesbian, I always enjoy the visibility that Pride Month brings to those of us who are LGBTQ+ and the support it provides for our communities, families, friends and networks. As a social worker, it reminds me how vital it is for social work practice to protect and promote the human rights of everyone.

Striving for access, equality and respect in our profession and beyond

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As Chief Social Workers for Adults, part of our national leadership is to role model anti-racist and anti-discriminatory practice. We are therefore looking forward to working together to implement the social care Workforce Race and Equality Standard (WRES) in 18 local authorities from April 2021.

In this blog, Isabelle Trowler, Chief Social Worker for Children and Families, shares her reflections on the challenges in children’s social care and why it so important to make sure this work takes place and drives positive change.

A message of hope, support and solidarity

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Social workers in training

This year marked 50 years since the creation of local authority social services, a milestone we had hoped to celebrate with all social workers and those in training on World Social Work Day. We have written to the profession in these uncertain times to reaffirm our continuing support, guidance and – we hope – inspiration, during this pandemic and way beyond.

Adult social work is fifty years young

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Fredric Seebohm

50 years ago this week, the Local Authority Social Services Act received royal assent and with it the creation of a new approach to social services. The act was the culmination of over two years work by Fredric Seebohm and his committee and the publication of the pivotal Seebohm Report.

This report set out the recommendations and aspiration for the foundations of a modern, forward thinking, independent and responsive social services system. Joint Chief Social Worker Mark Harvey reflects on the distance travelled since then.

Reflections on faith and keeping safe

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Worshiping in a time of pandemic poses unique challenges, but our faith communities are finding ways to adapt and maintain connections. Likewise, our social workers of faith are taking the time to reflect on how their practice can dovetail with community traditions to maintain love, friendship and fellowship with those they serve and hold dear.