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Learning Disability Week: adult social work's statement of intent

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capabilities statement and continuing professional development pathway

I am delighted the capability statement for social work practice has been published this week to coincide with Learning Disability Week. The principles of human rights, social justice and valuing the dignity and worth of each individual are at the …

You never stop learning as a social worker - but a good start helps

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Nicola Shawyer on her graduation day, throwimg her mortar board high in the air and smiling

Our Chief Social Worker for Adults Lyn Romeo recently attended the London Borough of Bexley Adult Social Work forum where she met consultant social worker, Nicola Shawyer. Nicola's story of continuous professional development to improve her practice, that of the students she supervises, and its impact on improving outcomes for vulnerable people, is exemplified in an innovative induction pack of her own devising. Social workers in training? Start here!

Student placements help grow the social workers of tomorrow

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Man holding tumbler of whisky and balancing a cigarette between his fingers

What is the secret to providing effective student social work placements? That’s a question Change Grow Live are constantly striving to answer in their role as a voluntary sector organisation specialising in substance misuse and criminal justice intervention projects in England, Scotland and Wales.

Gambling related harm is no longer in the shadows

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A hand of playing cards fanned out against a black background

Gambling related harm does not exist in the margins of society. Only now are we beginning to fully appreciate its reach and social work’s power to mitigate it and transform many more lives. Jim Rogers, senior lecturer at the University of Lincoln, with a practice background in addiction services, explains how social work has a vital role in challenging its ubiquity.