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Care and support

Care plans with added technology

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: Care and support, Innovation, Knowledge and skills
Accessing health care through online devices.

Social workers are playing an increasingly vital role in the use of technology within adult social care. They offer a unique perspective, one that holds technology to account to the standards, ethics and practices they themselves adhere to. Find out more in this week's guest blog...

Mental Health Awareness Week: reflections on the role of adult social work

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: Care and support, Events, Mental health, Our profession, Safeguarding, Society
Man raising hand in mental health support group

It’s Mental Health Awareness Week, which this year takes a theme we can all relate to: anxiety (#ToHelpMyAnxiety). It's not only a chance to shine a light on our psychological wellbeing (and how to maintain it) but also take stock on mental health service provision and the evolution of societal attitudes to an issue which affects us all.

Positive pathways through the criminal justice system

One of the best aspects of my role as Chief Social Worker for Adults is the opportunity to meet so many wonderful social workers applying their knowledge, skills and values in many different settings. Supporting people within the criminal justice system is one very good example...

Delivering the promise of integrated health and care

Jigsaw piece being fitted

Earlier this summer , the Department of Health and Social Care's plan for digital health and social care included the assertion that the “long-term sustainability of health and social care is dependent on having the right digital foundations in place, and so digital transformation must be the linchpin upon which all... reforms are based.”

Pride Month and social work's essential role

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Care and support, Events, LGBTQ+
Rainbow flag

As a lesbian, I always enjoy the visibility that Pride Month brings to those of us who are LGBTQ+ and the support it provides for our communities, families, friends and networks. As a social worker, it reminds me how vital it is for social work practice to protect and promote the human rights of everyone.