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Care and support

Carers Week: adult social work's role supporting unpaid carers

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Man helping another man to go up the hill in the sunrise.

"It is part of our job as social workers to be intuitively and professionally aware of the needs of those we serve" says Lyn Romeo, Chief Social Worker for Adults. "Carers Week emphasises the theme of making sure carers are ‘visible, valued and supported’, which reminds us of the principles of our practice."

An important moment for social work and social care

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Care and support, Consultation and engagement, Personalisation, Viewpoint
Social care reform poster

I am so pleased to be writing this blog, celebrating the publication of ‘People at the heart of care’, the Government's adult social care reform White Paper.
Social work and social care values are at its core. This is about valuing people and what matters to them.

Carers Week: my personal perspective

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Older carer explains how caring is an every day role.

Lyn Romeo has just returned to her role as Chief Social Worker for Adults, alongside Fran Leddra, following time out to care for her elderly mother who sadly died recently following a long illness. On returning to the role, Lyn finds it highly fitting for her first blog, to be posted during Carers Week.

Supporting people living with dementia: new safeguarding guidance

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3D image of brain

This blog introduces new guidance, “Supporting people living with dementia to be involved in adult safeguarding enquiries” following research undertaken by Dr Jeremy Dixon. Dr Dixon writes about his experience of working with experts by experience and how it informed the suggestions for good practice in the guidance. 

Coronavirus and health inequalities: supporting BAME communities

Posted by: , and , Posted on: - Categories: Care and support, Consultation and engagement, Coronavirus, Society
BAME people wearing covid-19 face masks

Throughout this coronavirus pandemic, we have been reminded again of the devastating impact societal inequalities have had on the health and wellbeing of Black, Asian and ethnically diverse (BAME) citizens. The recent Public Health England report highlighted the need for us to finally act and consider the unacceptable impact such inequalities have always had on our communities...

Beyond coronavirus - valuable long term lessons

symbol of hands supporting a family

Jo Barnicoat works for a small charity, Oxfordshire Family Support Network (OXFSN), supporting families with learning disabilities. Like everyone else, she and her colleagues have had to develop a totally new way of working. However, this enforced change has actually enabled professionals and families to communicate much more efficiently and speedily.

Reflections on faith and keeping safe

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Worshiping in a time of pandemic poses unique challenges, but our faith communities are finding ways to adapt and maintain connections. Likewise, our social workers of faith are taking the time to reflect on how their practice can dovetail with community traditions to maintain love, friendship and fellowship with those they serve and hold dear.

Don't forget the people behind the figures

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Treeline reflection on a lake

Behind every statistic there is a person. Vanessa Hodge, Principal Social Worker for Adults at Somerset County Council, reflects on social work's role during the coronavirus pandemic as it continues to affect all our lives, not least those working in or being supported by community adult social care services.

Caring in action

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The Carers Action Plan (CAP) and its implementation is a cornerstone of social care policy and social workers have a vital role to play in delivering its benefits.

The Department of Health and Social Care's carers policy team have worked hard to make sure carers have co-produced the Carers Action Plan and the actions within it really do deliver positive differences in their lives.

Our dedicated departmental colleague Anita Wadhawan highlights progress to date...