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Introducing The Anti-racist Listening Project podcast

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Ear with soundwave background

I am delighted to once again host adult social workers Nimal Jude and Liz Howard as guest bloggers, this time introducing their latest exciting venture, the Anti-racist Listening Project podcast. Making sure social work practice always challenges discrimination and oppression is imperative if we are to truly promote a human rights and social justice based approach.

LGBT+ History Month: reflections on progress

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Arms of different genders and skin tones against a rainbow backdrop

Chief Social Worker for Adults, Lyn Romeo, has witnessed unprecedented changes in LGBT+ rights over her years as a social worker. Whilst there is still much to do, as we celebrate diversity through the ages during LGBT+ History Month, Lyn reflects on how far we have come as a society.

Striving for access, equality and respect in our profession and beyond

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As Chief Social Workers for Adults, part of our national leadership is to role model anti-racist and anti-discriminatory practice. We are therefore looking forward to working together to implement the social care Workforce Race and Equality Standard (WRES) in 18 local authorities from April 2021.

In this blog, Isabelle Trowler, Chief Social Worker for Children and Families, shares her reflections on the challenges in children’s social care and why it so important to make sure this work takes place and drives positive change.

Black Lives Matter in the UK too but where is the voice of social work?

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Black Lives Matter peaceful protest in New York

Diana Katoto is a student at the University of Birmingham, studying a BA Social Work. She has a passion for social justice and prides herself on promoting human rights. The tragic death of George Floyd in the United States has prompted her to write this heartfelt and challenging blog. Diana tasks our social work profession - and by extension all other UK based institutions and networks - to be louder in our condemnation and take active steps to combat racism wherever we find it.

Black lives matter...

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George Floyd mural

Over the past few days, those of us in the Office of the Chief Social Worker for Adults and the Office of the Chief Social Worker for Children and Families have been shocked and horrified by the death of George Floyd. The subsequent outpouring of anger, despair and emotion that has followed has focused our minds once again on the presence of racism and intolerance in our societies.