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Knowledge and skills

Care plans with added technology

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: Care and support, Innovation, Knowledge and skills
Accessing health care through online devices.

Social workers are playing an increasingly vital role in the use of technology within adult social care. They offer a unique perspective, one that holds technology to account to the standards, ethics and practices they themselves adhere to. Find out more in this week's guest blog...

Positive pathways through the criminal justice system

One of the best aspects of my role as Chief Social Worker for Adults is the opportunity to meet so many wonderful social workers applying their knowledge, skills and values in many different settings. Supporting people within the criminal justice system is one very good example...

Positive interventions and how to make them - Part One

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Guidance, Knowledge and skills, Our profession, Research
wooden figures holding hands in a circle

I was delighted when the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence began work on guidelines for social work with adults experiencing complex needs. I am pleased to host blogs from two members of the guideline committee, Ellie and Chloe, who reflect on their involvement and the guidelines' importance.

Positive interventions and how to make them - Part Two

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Education and training, Guidance, Knowledge and skills, Our profession
people examining evidence

NICE (the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) have guidelines for social work with adults experiencing complex needs. This is the second of two blogs from members of the guideline committee, Ellie and Chloe, who reflect on their involvement and the importance of the guidelines.

Delivering the promise of integrated health and care

Jigsaw piece being fitted

Earlier this summer , the Department of Health and Social Care's plan for digital health and social care included the assertion that the “long-term sustainability of health and social care is dependent on having the right digital foundations in place, and so digital transformation must be the linchpin upon which all... reforms are based.”

Keep calm and call an AMHP

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Events, Knowledge and skills, Mental health, Our profession
A black woman practicing yoga

With so many recent challenges and experiences in the pandemic, Jason Brandon, Mental Health Social Work Lead at DHSC, can’t think of a more suitable title to this blog post, which describes the dignity and professionalism of the approved mental health professional (AMHP) workforce. It's National AMHP Day!

Carers Week: adult social work's role supporting unpaid carers

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Man helping another man to go up the hill in the sunrise.

"It is part of our job as social workers to be intuitively and professionally aware of the needs of those we serve" says Lyn Romeo, Chief Social Worker for Adults. "Carers Week emphasises the theme of making sure carers are ‘visible, valued and supported’, which reminds us of the principles of our practice."