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It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Christmas baubles with 2023 written on them

Lyn Romeo: "As the year draws to a close, I find myself reflecting on the journey we have undertaken together over the last year. We have continued to relentlessly seek improvement in the health and wellbeing of individuals, families, friends and carers."

A glass half full: my adult social work journey

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: Care and support, Communities, Recruitment, Viewpoint
Woman climbing higher in her career

Deborah Sturdy, Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care and I recently visited Salford to hear about the way social care colleagues work with the council, the NHS, providers and voluntary and community sector partners. I was delighted to hear from one of their social workers, Donna Sharkey about her positive career journey...

Let’s give social work with older people the recognition it deserves

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: Ageing, Care and support, Knowledge and skills, Research

I am delighted to host this blog from Gerry Nosowska, founder and Director of Effective Practice, which supported the Social Work with Older People research project. For too long, this vital area of practice has been largely unseen. Hopefully, as we build a stronger evidence base, more social workers will be deployed to work with older people and their carers.

Promoting progressive AMHP anti-racist practice

Posted by: , , and , Posted on: - Categories: Care and support, Co-production, Mental health, Safeguarding

It is an honour to host guest blogs from social workers, researchers and people with lived experience of health and social care. This blog addresses core challenges for Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHPs) and others involved in anti-racist mental health practice.

Black History Month: reflections on allyship

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Overlapping hands in spirit of unity

October is an important month as it marks World Mental Health Day and Black History Month. These two themes were explored at a brilliant webinar on anti-racist perspectives and the Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP) role. Shantel Thomas and Neil Sanyal share reflections on allyship and what it means for all involved in improving lives of those who experience racism in our society.

My social work journey: from experience to practice

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: Care and support, Knowledge and skills, Our profession
door opening

On a recent visit to Harrow council, I was delighted to meet their cohort of apprentices and to hear about their amazing journeys towards qualifying as social workers or occupational therapists. I am delighted to introduce Angie Beaumont as our guest blogger to tell us about her experience.

Social work's vital role in disaster situations

Posted by: , and , Posted on: - Categories: Education and training, Guidance, Knowledge and skills
Hand stopping dominos collapsing

I am delighted to support the launch of a free online training course for social work in disaster situations. Maris Stratulis, National Director, BASW England, and Joe Hanley, lecturer and researcher in social work with the Open University, have kindly drafted this week’s blog promoting this excellent course, so please read it and consider signing up!

Everyone needs that loving feeling (and training)

women embracing affectionately

I am delighted to introduce Dr Claire Bates as the guest blogger today. Claire and her team have created a fantastic piece of work to support best practice, making sure sexuality and relationship needs are appropriately addressed and rights upheld. It's an excellent resource!

Care plans with added technology

Posted by: and , Posted on: - Categories: Care and support, Innovation, Knowledge and skills
Accessing health care through online devices.

Social workers are playing an increasingly vital role in the use of technology within adult social care. They offer a unique perspective, one that holds technology to account to the standards, ethics and practices they themselves adhere to. Find out more in this week's guest blog...