Achieving change in adult social care

January is always a good time to sort your ‘stuff’ out and before starting my new role, I took the opportunity to clear out my cupboard. It was interesting to see what I had kept over the years from the …
January is always a good time to sort your ‘stuff’ out and before starting my new role, I took the opportunity to clear out my cupboard. It was interesting to see what I had kept over the years from the …
This week, the Department of Health and Social Care, in partnership with NHS England, launched the Change NHS campaign. This is the beginning of an ongoing conversation with the public as, together, our government and healthcare leaders seek the widest range of views possible to shape a new 10-Year Health Plan for England.
Support for people with mental health problems, their families and carers, is often overlooked, meaning the ‘social’ in social care is sometimes forgotten. Find out how collaboration with others is improving research, policy and practice.
It’s World Social Work Day, bringing people together to learn, connect, and raise awareness of the breadth, value and benefits of modern, progressive social work. To mark the day, I’m delighted to present this blog from Jak Savage MBE, social care consultant, employer of personal assistants and an invaluable voice of lived experience.
Deborah Sturdy, Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care and I recently visited Salford to hear about the way social care colleagues work with the council, the NHS, providers and voluntary and community sector partners. I was delighted to hear from one of their social workers, Donna Sharkey about her positive career journey...
I am delighted to host this blog from Gerry Nosowska, founder and Director of Effective Practice, which supported the Social Work with Older People research project. For too long, this vital area of practice has been largely unseen. Hopefully, as we build a stronger evidence base, more social workers will be deployed to work with older people and their carers.
October is an important month as it marks World Mental Health Day and Black History Month. These two themes were explored at a brilliant webinar on anti-racist perspectives and the Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP) role. Shantel Thomas and Neil Sanyal share reflections on allyship and what it means for all involved in improving lives of those who experience racism in our society.
I am delighted to support the launch of a free online training course for social work in disaster situations. Maris Stratulis, National Director, BASW England, and Joe Hanley, lecturer and researcher in social work with the Open University, have kindly drafted this week’s blog promoting this excellent course, so please read it and consider signing up!
Social workers are playing an increasingly vital role in the use of technology within adult social care. They offer a unique perspective, one that holds technology to account to the standards, ethics and practices they themselves adhere to. Find out more in this week's guest blog...
One thing Lyn Romeo, Chief Social Worker for Adults, likes about her profession is the passion, dedication and commitment social work professionals have for supporting students and newly qualified social workers as they develop their skills, knowledge, and expertise.