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Adult social work is fifty years young

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Fredric Seebohm

50 years ago this week, the Local Authority Social Services Act received royal assent and with it the creation of a new approach to social services. The act was the culmination of over two years work by Fredric Seebohm and his committee and the publication of the pivotal Seebohm Report.

This report set out the recommendations and aspiration for the foundations of a modern, forward thinking, independent and responsive social services system. Joint Chief Social Worker Mark Harvey reflects on the distance travelled since then.

Mental health social work's time is now

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Mark Trewin presents

Another Mental Health Awareness Week is almost over – its importance given added resonance by the way the coronavirus pandemic has affected the physical and mental wellbeing of each and every one of us.

Of course, supporting people to maintain good mental health is a continuous and collaborative effort. Our colleague Mark Trewin, the Mental Health Social Work lead in the Chief Social Workers for Adults’ office has been proving the truth of this statement.

Reflections on faith and keeping safe

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Worshiping in a time of pandemic poses unique challenges, but our faith communities are finding ways to adapt and maintain connections. Likewise, our social workers of faith are taking the time to reflect on how their practice can dovetail with community traditions to maintain love, friendship and fellowship with those they serve and hold dear.

Virtual relations

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Video conference call. A screen with four participants observed by another.

Social distancing during the current pandemic is pushing social work practice online, but is it possible to maintain relational approaches through smartphones, tablets and laptops? Tanya Moore, Principal Social Worker at Hertfordshire Adult Care Services, believes 'hi tech' shouldn’t mean 'low connection' and asks us to consider how we can maintain sensitive and purposeful relationships in these unusual times.

Don't forget the people behind the figures

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Treeline reflection on a lake

Behind every statistic there is a person. Vanessa Hodge, Principal Social Worker for Adults at Somerset County Council, reflects on social work's role during the coronavirus pandemic as it continues to affect all our lives, not least those working in or being supported by community adult social care services.

Finding our strength in unusual times

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ripples and reflections in a pond

Claire Wood is a first placement social work student from Bradford College. She is currently placed at Roshni Ghar, a mental health charity providing culturally appropriate, responsive services for South Asian women experiencing mental ill health. Like many in her situation, her placement has been paused because of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Claire offers some honest, empathic and ultimately positive reflections on the world we find ourselves in and suggests how we can look out for each other, professionally and personally, in these most unusual of times.

Our relationships are more important than ever on World Social Work Day

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World Social Work Day 2020 poster

A month ago, Mark Harvey and Fran Leddra, Joint Chief Social Workers for Adults, were finalising their annual report and filming a video message to release on World Social Work Day.

Like the rest of us, they now find themselves in a period of uncertainty and worry. With this in mind, they reflect on what it means to be a social worker in these unusual times and how we can all prepare ourselves for the challenges to come.

Celebrating and developing mental health social work

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Handshake icon

An issue frequently raised by mental health social workers and their managers is the desire to better understand the range, scope and access to roles, professional support and development opportunities available within local partnerships. Our fine colleague, Mental Health Social Work (MHSW) Lead here at DHSC, Mark Trewin and Health Education England (HEE) have been working on plans to help social work colleagues do exactly that, as he explains in his latest guest blog.