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All change at the Chief Social Worker for Adults' office

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Lyn Romeo

You may have noticed this blog has changed its title and is no longer in my name, Lyn Romeo.

The reasons for this are threefold: firstly to align with the format of other GOV.UK blogs, secondly to emphasise its main focus, but thirdly to signal a temporary but significant change in my personal and professional circumstances.

Caring in action

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The Carers Action Plan (CAP) and its implementation is a cornerstone of social care policy and social workers have a vital role to play in delivering its benefits.

The Department of Health and Social Care's carers policy team have worked hard to make sure carers have co-produced the Carers Action Plan and the actions within it really do deliver positive differences in their lives.

Our dedicated departmental colleague Anita Wadhawan highlights progress to date...

Transitions: why it’s so important for social workers to be on time

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alarm clock

Chief Social Workers Lyn Romeo and Isabelle Trowler are delighted the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) have published new guidance for social workers supporting young people into adulthood. SCIE’s Hugh Constant has the background.

Introducing the Train the Trainer Supervisor Development Programme

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people around a table

National programme to raise quality and consistency of supervision is officially launched at today's Joint Principal Social Workers Conference hosted by Skills for Care High quality supervision is essential if we are to support social workers to think through the …

Celebrating, developing and supporting our approved mental health professionals

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Conference attendees silhouettes

Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHPs) have one of the most challenging and stressful jobs in mental health. They work 24 hours a day to organise Mental Health Act assessments - a voice of respected professional challenge. Skills for Care are hosting a day of debates, presentations and workshops in their London offices to share best practice and establish a cross-agency action plan for AMHPs. Read on to find out more!

Learning Disability Week: adult social work's statement of intent

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capabilities statement and continuing professional development pathway

I am delighted the capability statement for social work practice has been published this week to coincide with Learning Disability Week. The principles of human rights, social justice and valuing the dignity and worth of each individual are at the …

You never stop learning as a social worker - but a good start helps

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Nicola Shawyer on her graduation day, throwimg her mortar board high in the air and smiling

Our Chief Social Worker for Adults Lyn Romeo recently attended the London Borough of Bexley Adult Social Work forum where she met consultant social worker, Nicola Shawyer. Nicola's story of continuous professional development to improve her practice, that of the students she supervises, and its impact on improving outcomes for vulnerable people, is exemplified in an innovative induction pack of her own devising. Social workers in training? Start here!